Slow Down with Caroline Kolbe

Slow Down with Caroline Kolbe

Slow Down With



Meet Caroline Kolbe, a small business owner and artist residing in Austin, Texas. She shares her appreciation of doing nothing and the art of recharging. Hear her thoughts on life, mindful living, and personal style.


The Trini


Where do you find your inspiration (drive, passion, etc.) in work and life?

I get so much inspiration from traveling, nature, art, people around me, etc. I enjoy collecting vintage art books, which always inspire me in some way. Being self-employed and a small business owner always has its ups and downs, and there are periods when my drive and passion feel lower than usual. In those moments, I take a step back, and I realign my thoughts and values by going on a trip or simply taking a walk outside.

What hobbies/interests/activities are a large part of your identity?

I’ve always been very creative, so anything about art or design interests me. I recently took up crocheting and have been testing out making clothes. I love clothing as a form of self-expression and creating one-of-a-kind pieces for myself.

Slow Moments


Slow Moments


Slow Moments


The Trini


Where can we find you on the weekend?

I’ve been more of a homebody these days, so you’ll usually find me at home working on my latest creative project and binge-watching shows. However, I also go outside when the weather is nice or hang out with friends.

What slow moments in life do you savor the most? 

I love taking a step back and just doing nothing and recharging. As an introvert, I savor alone time the most.

What steps do you take to show up authentically in your work and relationships?

It takes time and self-reflection to discover your voice as a creative person. I’m always trying to learn and grow the best I can and understand others from where they are.

Slow Moments


Slow Moments


Slow Moments


The Trini


What are you wearing when you feel the most like yourself?

My style has evolved over the past few years, so I have been slowly finding my current style identity again. I feel like me anytime I wear a piece I made myself. For example, I make these oversized, elevated button-down shirts for my shop, and I live in those year-round.

What do you love about the ZX style you chose, and how has it filled gaps in your wardrobe or solved a styling rut you previously had?

The Trini is perfect since you can easily dress loafers up or down. I’ve not been as into wearing heels lately, so having a cute flat shoe that isn’t a sneaker has been a wardrobe gap I’ve been trying to fill.

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1 comment

Great article and inspiring story from Caroline! I found it super interesting. Keep sharing this type of stories. All the best Zou Xou. Kind regards from Argentina!


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